If you love me, love openly

In a monastic sangha, there was a beautiful nun, even though she shaved her head, but she is still very beautiful, many young monks admired her, secretly fell in love with her.

This nun has a very strong bodhicitta, wholeheartedly, her mindful manner is very beautiful, there are no monks can do like that.

She never sat separately with anybody, she always be a flower, very impartial. In our monastic sangha, of course we have someone like her too.

One day, that nun received a chanting book with a letter inside from a monk, a young elder brother monk borrow a chanting book from her, when he returned that book he put a letter inside that book, in his letter he said that:

I’m not peace with myself, I think a lot about you, if I have a chance to embrace or hug you, once, only one time, I think I can pacify my mind, so I can do sitting meditation, walking meditation. Right now I’m not at peace with myself, I only wish one thing, I wish to hug you. I think a lot about you right now, I think after I’m able to hug you, maybe I would be more peaceful with myself.

One day, before the Dharma talk, the nun raised up and said, “Respected teacher, I received a letter from my elder brother”, she asked permission from the master to read the letter in front of the whole monastic community, she was not joking, she saw the suffering of her elder brother.

After finished reading that letter, she turned toward that monk and said, “I know you are not peaceful right now, you want to hug me, so right now is the chance, I’m ready to hug you in front of the whole community, this is your opportunity, you said that after hug me, you will be peaceful to practice, to study, so I invite you to hug me right now!

The unexpected happening at that moment, the monk could not expect something like that happened, it was completely cure his love sick, and after that he progress very much in study and practice.

A Talk by Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh

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